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Angeline Sayuah, 23, was a member of our pioneer class at Kakenya’s Dream. She began her education with us as a fourth grader in 2009.
Angeline was orphaned at a young age and raised by her maternal grandmother. Due to poverty and a lack of support for her education, Angeline was in and out of school for most of her early childhood – until her uncle heard about Kakenya’s Dream and took her to enroll. When she learned of her acceptance and that she would receive full support for her studies, she says, “I found myself crying in joy. I was joining a school where I was kept safe from the possibilities of practices such as female genital mutilation (FGM), early marriages, and teenage pregnancies.”
Angeline completed her primary education at Kakenya’s Dream in 2013. Our Network for Excellence program then paid her tuition and provided mentorship and social support as she attended Koru Girls High School. While in high school, Angeline was inspired to become a teacher by a close mentor and friend, her old head teacher at Kakenya’s Dream, Madam Gladys. After completing high school, Angeline enrolled at Narok Teacher Training College in 2018, graduating three years later.
Angeline’s story has come full circle. She is now a teacher at Kakenya’s Dream! She shares, “Had I not been supported by Kakenya’s Dream, I would have ended up in child marriage and would probably have undergone FGM. I am indebted to all those who made their contributions through the organization to ensure that girls like me have a lifeline. As a way of appreciating the support I received from Kakenya’s Dream, I wanted to come back and teach. [The girls] see me as one among them because we share the same history. It feels good to see them develop confidence that they too will have a bright future.”