Grade 11
Sylvia, 17, comes from the village of Sikawa in Transmara West, where her mother and father are small-scale farmers. She is the oldest of four siblings. Though neither of her parents proceeded beyond a primary school education, her mother is working very hard to ensure that her children have a good education. Sylvia says, “While in bed, I see images of my mother crying as she speaks of her fears; that her children might not go far in school.”
Sylvia reveals that Kakenya’s Dream intervened when she was at her lowest. “My mother learned that Kakenya’s Dream manages KCE II and was told by a neighbor that if I secure a place in the school, our challenge of affording school fees would finally end. I consider myself so lucky to have joined the school. At KCE II, no student is sent home for lack of school fees. I have every support I need to concentrate on my studies.”
Sylvia says she is happy and optimistic that she will find her way to her dream career in ophthalmology. Her own struggles to heal from persistent eye problems inspired her interest in this path. “My eyes hurt whenever it is cold and when I am exposed to strong lights, but I found a gentle eye physician who has put me on medication that helps. I want to help others with similar problems in my future.”
Sylvia says she feels at home at KCE II and enjoys studying biology and human anatomy. “I love being in the science laboratory; it makes me feel proud of myself that I have worked hard to join high school. It also feels a bit like a hospital, my future workplace.”