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From the moment they’re born, girls and boys in our community face different, and often unequal expectations and access to resources and opportunities. This occurs in their homes, schools, future workplaces, and society at large. In the communities Kakenya’s Dream serves, girls are more likely to be denied an education, forced to marry in childhood and undergo female genital mutilation (FGM), and be subjected to other forms of violence. These immense barriers to quality of life make achieving milestones like completing their education nearly impossible. To quantify…

But with the support of Kakenya’s Dream and our amazing partners like Women for Change and donors around the world like you, our inaugural graduates have defied all of these odds. Remember their names, because these young women are determined to make history. And in our corner of the world, they already have.

We are so proud to see these members of our community recognize the importance of girls’ education and stand up for the next generation. Their actions have had a profound impact not only on their daughters’ futures, but on the community at large. One by one, we are raising up the future leaders of Kenya.

On behalf of all the girls whose lives we’ve changed in 2020, thank you for your generous support!
Major Donor ($25,000+)
- Bruce and Charlene Bainum
- Larry Linden
- Judy and Kevin Moak
- Lynn and Susan Orr
- Lynda and Stewart Resnick
- Roger Sant
Gold Kuza Circle ($10,000-$24,999)
- Alice Ball
- John Lee Compton
- Betty Hudson and Boyd Matson
- Marlene M. Johnson
- Susan McCaw
- Alison and Scott Mellon
- Joanie D. Nasher
- Sharon Percy Rockefeller
- Lee and Sam Wood
Silver Kuza Circle ($5,000-$9,999)
- Anonymous (1)
- Leslie Calman
- Danyelle and Adam De Jong
- Norma Dicker
- Susan Abrams Greig
- Linda Howard
- Leslie Hume
- Jeanie Milbauer
- Wendy Munger
- Pamela Reeves
- John and Bev Reno
- Peggy and Brian Sassi
- Anisa Tootla
- Elizabeth A. (Betsy) Tyson
- Dottie and Ken Woodcock
Kuza Circle ($1,250-$4,999)
- Anonymous (3)
- Raydean Acevedo
- David B. Anderson
- Mary Jo Arnoldi
- Patricia Begley
- Nadia Benamara
- Ronit Berkman
- Amy Blackwood
- Marion Blakey
- Joseph Bohan
- Denise Bordonaro
- Cheryl Brink
- Stephanie and Harold Bronson
- Beth Cheney
- Brian Corcoran
- Mary Cranston
- Deborah Crewe and John Davis
- Hilary A. Cusack
- Karen Desnick
- Jeff and LeeAnn Ettinger
- Lionel Euston
- Linden Foos
- Jeanna French
- Linda Gottlieb
- Anne-Marea Griffin
- Katherine Hall and Mark Dwyer
- Wayne Johnson
- Judy Judd-Price
- Karin Lawrence
- Caren and Tom Lederer
- Marian P. Mancini and Jay C. Mancini
- Carolyn Martin
- Morris Matson
- Sara McCracken
- Kathy McDermott-Narezo
- Tia and Maurice McNair
- Richard Murray
- Nancy Brand Patel
- Diane and Ned Powell
- Larry Purcey
- James Radner
- Peter and Elsa Recco
- Shawna Reed
- Lois Romano
- Sharon Sanders
- Lauren Shepherd
- Helene Shore
- Elizabeth and Robert Soppelsa
- Joanne and Jim Steinback
- Rabbi Shira Stutman and Russell Shaw
- Ness Sufrin
- Anne Sulul
- Kathryn Svilar
- Yiin Tham
- Melissa Tidwell
- Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Triano
- Tong Vang
- Kathy Calvin Walters
- Eric Waxvik
- Sally Wells
- Linda Winslow
- Nina Zacuto
Kakenya’s Dream strives to be complete and accurate in recognizing the generous support of our donors. We regret any omissions or errors.

- Social Initiative Educate Girls*
- Tides Foundation
- Wellspring Philanthropic Fund
- AJG Foundation
- ELMA Philanthropies*
- Greater Washington Community Foundation
- Women for Change*
- The Montei Foundation
- Segal Family Foundation
- Coca Cola
- Every Good Thing
- Gipson Family Foundation
- The Lester Fund
- O’Kane Family Foundation
- Straus Family Foundation
- Wallace Global Fund
- Cohn Charitable Fund
- Harl and Evelyn Mansur Family Foundation
- InMaat Foundation
- Journey Foundation
- Katonah Education Exchange Program
- Magic Libraries Foundation
- Roger and Katherine Flahive Foundation
- Sybiel Berkman Foundation
- Tate Family Generosity Fund
- Adventures for the Mind Foundation
- The David R. and Patricia D. Atkinson Foundation
- Dempsey / Lightfoot Family
- Donilon Russell Charitable Fund
- Friedman Family Foundation
- Henry E. Niles Foundation
- Louis and Anne Abrons Foundation
- Stichting Miss Maasai
- Williams Family Foundation
- Ruparel Memorial Foundation*
In-Kind Donations
- Katonah Education Exchange Program
- Safaricom Foundation*
- Ruparel Memorial Foundation*
- Anti-FGM Board
- Coalition for Adolescent Girls
- Elimu Yetu Coalition
- Girls First Network
- Girls Not Brides
- The Gratitude Network
- HALI Access Network
- Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology
- Ministry of Health
- Regional Education Learning Initiative (RELI)
- University of Pittsburgh
- University of Technology Sydney
- US End FGM Network
- Western Sydney University
* Revenue that was sent directly to Kenya is not included in the U.S. financials.
Pledge payments made in 2021 against multi-year pledges are recognized above regardless of the year in which the original pledge was made.

The financials above are audited figures for the U.S. 501(c)3.