

Grade 11

Hailing from a village community called Kiptagich, Brenda is the eldest daughter in her family of four. She explains how being the first born comes with a lot of responsibilities. At home, she “takes care of the young ones and helps my mother with chores.” For a girl just 17 years of age, Brenda carries herself with immense wisdom, optimism, and maturity.

Brenda sought out Kakenya’s Dream to help her build a future for herself and her family. “When I heard there was space for me at Kakenya’s Dream, I was so happy. I felt like this would reduce the burden on my mother.” Determined to improve her family’s livelihood, Brenda is a focused and dedicated student. She says, “education is important to me because studying has helped me become a better person and to change my family’s situation.”

Through her studies, Brenda hopes to become a math and Kiswahili teacher and educate the next generation. Indeed, her love for math is undeniable. She’s even built it into her nightly routine. “I like to do math when I feel sleepy. When it reaches 9pm and I’m about to sleep, I start doing math. I just like it.” When Brenda is not in class, you can find her singing and dancing with her friends.

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